boring old lady

Monday, October 09, 2006


i ran the race and felt great, then i stepped right back into life again. checking out day care centers, trying to put back chemistry knowledge that has leached out of my brain, etc... i will go in to start preliminary work stuff next week. it feels stressful, but i have to remind myself that my boss is just mitch (he would be irritated if he read that)and we're all doing fine and not dead in iraq or daurfor or some god awful place like that. if everything sucks and life gets too complicted, the kids will be late for school and we will eat too much take-out food, and probably drink too much booze and sleep not enough, but that's not so bad. my brain has turned to mush, so it's time to firm it up again.

anyway, dearlovelyheart needs advice for her 5K from the voice of experience el suzo who has now officially run one 5K race. well, i probably don't need to tell you, but lay off the booze! it worked for me. try to run the real course at least once or twice (and don't forget to time yourself). don't run two days before the race. get lots of rest and drink lots of water ahead of time. don't try to drink water during the race or at the water stations (unless you really really need to) because it will slow you down and mess up your pace. that's all of my sage advice. i hope i got it to you before the race actually takes place.

that is all for now and maybe for a little while as i reacclimate to being a working person. and no i still can't use the spell check button and i'm not even going to proof read this post, so please take pleasure in all my typos.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

here is mitch trying to keep up with freddy in the museum mile!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

5k is over

ok, the dino dash is over, and i finished in 27 min. 55 sec!! yahoo. i'll write later because right now i got some wine to drink.